New ₺‎3.6 Million Research Grant for the EOS.

27. Februar 2023|

A new Research and Development Grant for the EOS Sustainable Energy Solutions.

Keywords: Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Neural Networks, Solar and Wind Energy.

The R&D project proposal of the EOS is approved by the Ministry […]

EOS Artificial Intelligence backed Energy Optimization System.

27. Februar 2023|

EOS Deep Energy Optimization System.

EOS Energy Optimization System backed by Deep Learning and Neural Networks Technologies, has achieved 45% of energy efficiency levels in Germany.

YouTube Video Link:


EOS-Germany R&D Center and Factory.

27. Februar 2023|

EOS Research Center and Manufacturing Facilities.

YouTube Video Link:

Artificial Intelligence Lab for „Deep Energy Technologies“.
Renewable Energy Technologies Lab.
Rapid Prototyping Department.

Micro-electronics Prototyping.
Industrial Parts Prototyping.

Software Development Department.
Hardware Development Department.
Electronic […]

EOS Factory in Germany: Construction is Completed.

20. November 2019|

Construction work is completed for the EOS Factory located in EnergieEffizienzZentrum (EEZ) Bochum, Germany.
Completed Construction Work:
1. Production Facility.
2. Electronics Lab.
3. Energy Lab.
4. Software Development Department.
5. Rapid Prototyping Department.
6. Test and Quality Control Department.
7. Managerial Working […]

EOS Factory in Germany: Construction is Started.

26. September 2019|

Construction activites are started for the EOS Factory located in EnergieEffizienzZentrum (EEZ) Bochum, Germany.
Start Date: 01.03.2019
End Date: 01.08.2019
List of Construction Activities:
1. Production Facility.
2. Electronics Lab.
3. Energy Lab.
4. Software Development Department.
5. Rapid Prototyping […]

EOS Factory in Germany: Procurement of Production Line and R&D Equipment.

23. September 2019|

Procurement of production machinery and R&D equipment is completed on January 2019.
YAMAHA JAPAN is choosen for the production line with state-of-the art SMT machinery.

EOS Factory in Germany: Production Line Planning and Feasibility Studies are initiated.

17. September 2019|

EOS Factory establishment decision is approved by the EOS managerial board on April 2018.
Technical planning phase and feasibility studies are initiated by the EOS Team.
Factory Location: Energy Efficiency Center Bochum (EEZ Bochum), Germany.
Total Planned Investment […]

New 1.3 Million R&D Grant for the EOS.

25. April 2017|

A new Research and Development Grant for the EOS Sustainable Energy Solutions.

The R&D project proposal of the EOS is approved by the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology.

Project Subject: Software and Hardware Development […]

Trade Mark and Multiple Patent Applications are Completed.

23. April 2017|

EOS brand and state-of-the-art EOS Technologies are protected by the German and the European Union Patent Offices.

European Commission Seal of Excellence Award for the EOS.

23. April 2017|

Certificate delivered by the European Commission, as the institution managing Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020.

The project proposal 651850, EOSforEEBO-Energy Optimisation System for Energy Efficient Building Operations Submitted under the […]