New ₺‎3.6 Million Research Grant for the EOS.

27. Februar 2023|

A new Research and Development Grant for the EOS Sustainable Energy Solutions.

Keywords: Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Neural Networks, Solar and Wind Energy.

The R&D project proposal of the EOS is approved by the Ministry […]

EOS Artificial Intelligence backed Energy Optimization System.

27. Februar 2023|

EOS Deep Energy Optimization System.

EOS Energy Optimization System backed by Deep Learning and Neural Networks Technologies, has achieved 45% of energy efficiency levels in Germany.

YouTube Video Link:


EOS-Germany R&D Center and Factory.

27. Februar 2023|

EOS Research Center and Manufacturing Facilities.

YouTube Video Link:

Artificial Intelligence Lab for „Deep Energy Technologies“.
Renewable Energy Technologies Lab.
Rapid Prototyping Department.

Micro-electronics Prototyping.
Industrial Parts Prototyping.

Software Development Department.
Hardware Development Department.
Electronic […]