About eosadmin

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So far eosadmin has created 13 blog entries.

New ₺‎3.6 Million Research Grant for the EOS.

27. Februar 2023|

A new Research and Development Grant for the EOS Sustainable Energy Solutions.

Keywords: Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Neural Networks, Solar and Wind Energy.

The R&D project proposal of the EOS is approved by the Ministry […]

EOS Artificial Intelligence backed Energy Optimization System.

27. Februar 2023|

EOS Deep Energy Optimization System.

EOS Energy Optimization System backed by Deep Learning and Neural Networks Technologies, has achieved 45% of energy efficiency levels in Germany.

YouTube Video Link: https://youtu.be/aXfh154UvTE


EOS-Germany R&D Center and Factory.

27. Februar 2023|

EOS Research Center and Manufacturing Facilities.

YouTube Video Link: https://youtu.be/IoztQnmi9Gc

Artificial Intelligence Lab for „Deep Energy Technologies“.
Renewable Energy Technologies Lab.
Rapid Prototyping Department.

Micro-electronics Prototyping.
Industrial Parts Prototyping.

Software Development Department.
Hardware Development Department.
Electronic […]

EOS Factory Project -­ Targeting the production of EOS Energy Optimisation System.

14. Juli 2021|

The EOS factory project is granted to EOS by the state of North Rhine-­Westphalia – Germany under the Regional Economic Development Program (RWP) to establish a production facility at the Energy Efficiency Center of Bochum […]

Indigenous Hardware Development for Energy Generation and Optimization in Buildings

14. Juli 2021|

The R&D project is granted to the EOS by the National Scientific and Technological Research Council. The project covers the development of 12 different wireless embedded system components targeting sensors and control units for energy […]

Technological Research and Feasibility Analysis for the Development of Fuel-Cell Powered Composite Zero Emission Urban Mobility Solutions.

14. Juli 2021|

This project is carried out by the EOS Germany R&D Department in order to create a road-map for designing and developing a Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) based composite zero emission urban mobility solutions. […]

Intelligentes Gebäudeenergie Management System (Intelligent Building Energy Management System)

30. September 2019|

This R&D (Research and Development) project is granted to EOS Sustainable Energy Solutions GmbH by the State of Lower Saxony Innovation Support Program (Niedersächsischen Innovationsförderprogramms) which is funded by Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and […]

Integrated Energy Generation and Management System for Building Energy Use

30. September 2019|

The R&D project is granted to EOS by the Enterprise Europe Network which is a European Union institution providing support for the European SMEs. The research project involves the development of an integrated system infrastructure […]

Indigenous Hardware Development for Energy Efficient Building Operations.

30. September 2019|

The R&D project is granted to the EOS by the National Scientific and Technological Research Council. The project covers the development of 15 different wireless embedded system components targeting sensors and control units for energy […]

Hybrid System Architecture for Energy-Plus Buildings.

30. September 2019|

The R&D project is granted to the EOS by the Enterprise Europe Network which is a European Union institution providing support for the European SMEs. The research project involves the development of a hybrid system […]